Hi I'm 23 from the US and looking for a team to join where I can help out. I'm not in top shape but I'm slowly getting back into it. If there are any teams that need players, let me know. Thanks!
Hello Luis, welcome in Munich.
I'm from the Netherlands and also looking for a nice team to join.
If I hear something, I'll let you know.
Hi guys,
my name is Dennis from FC Eiskoid.
Our team is located in the east of Munich. We are kind of an international team, we got players from all over the world.
If u are interested in our team than join us tomorrow at 6:30 pm for our practice.
We play and practice once a week.
Practice is near "Perlach" and the games are at "Rosenheimer Platz".
My number is 0163 / *** .
Hello Dennis,
Sounds good!
Unfortunatelly I won't be able to make it tomorrow at 6.30 however I'll try to come later to have a look and say hi.
I guess I'll be coming by car, do you have the exact address of where you'll have the practice?
no prob, we will be there till 8:30 pm
the address is Böglstraße, 81737 München
there is a big field, u can't miss it